Wednesday 12 November 2014

Winter Wonderland Tag

I am so so excited for Christmas- more this year than I have been in a looong time. I think it's because for the first year in 7 years I'm not working in retail (except for a few hours on a Saturday) and instead get to enjoy the time off with my family and friends.

Also my friends from camp are all coming to Newcastle for New Year's and I am ridiculously excited because I haven't seen some of them in almost a year and a half!!!

So anyway- that'll be a whole different post nearer the time, but for now let's concentrate on Christmas! I found this tag on Jen's Youtube channel- I've been having a marathon of her Vlogiday's videos over the past week, and so I am feeling extra festive.

Let's get cracking..

1. What do you like best about winter?
Definitely snow if we ever get it, it's usually more wet and rainy here than snowy in the winter (but I have my fingers crossed for this year)!

I also like getting really snuggly with all the layers, lots of hot drinks, sitting by the fire.. aand being able to get into my pjs as soon as I get home from work.

2. Scarves or Beanies?
This is hard because I love both, I guess scarves because my winter coat has a furry hood if my head got chilly. But I do wear both throughout winter.

3. What's your favourite holiday movie?
I love The Grinch! I think that my have to be my favourite- but coming in at a close second.. and third would be The Santa Clause and Elf.. oooh and Miracle on 34th Street- ah I can't choose!

4. Favourite Winter nail polish?
This year I am loving Barry M's Textured Countess. But I also like China Glaze Twinkle Lights - usually over a random red nail varnish- because it's so Christmassy.

5. Favourite Starbucks Holiday Drink?
I actually prefer Costa.. and this year I am so excited to have the Black Forest Hot Chocolate mm mmm. But I do want to pop into Starbucks this year to try the Eggnog latte, I think I had it a few years ago but I can't remember if I enjoyed it.

6. What are you top 3 winter essentials?
My boots, Christmas scented candles aand lots of jumpers.

7. Name one item on your wish list this year.
I reeeally want a new pair of Just Sheepskin boots, I've had my other two for about 5 or 6 years and they're looking a little worse for a wear.

8. Favourite holiday song?
Shakin' Stevens- Merry Christmas Everyone. Best song everrr! And the only one I save listening to until December.

But I also like A Spaceman Came Travelling- Chris De Burgh- it reminds me of walking around the houses looking at all the Christmas lights when I was younger :)

9. Are you going Black Friday shopping this year?
We didn't have this in the UK until I think like last year, and I didn't even realise it was happening - luckily I worked the early shift and got out of the shop before it got craaaazy. But no- if it is happening again this year over here then I will not be going anywhere unless there are any good deals on the internet, because people are craayzay and also violent if the newspapers where correct last year!

10. Must have winter lip product?
Any kind of chapstick- I'm not fussed.

11. Will you be rocking an ugly Christmas sweater this year?
I'll be 'rocking' Christmas jumpers for suure but I don't think they could be classed as ugly. I think mine are lurrvly.

12. Have you ever had a White Christmas where you live?
We have.. a long time ago.. I can't even remember when it was. It usually snows in February or something silly like that. But let's all have our fingers and toes crossed that we get some snow this year! It would also be really funny to see how Casper reacts to snow as this would be his first time seeing any or going out in it and I'll have my camera at the ready! (Casper's my little cat fyi ;))

Roll on Christmas!!!!

Sunday 26 October 2014

The Bucket List

I've been making Bucket Lists for years and years on random bits of paper and in notebooks.. most of which I can't find any more- so this way- unless the internet suddenly shuts down- I can keep ticking it off as I go and never lose it!

 Nose pierced
 Go to New York
 See a show on Broadway
 See a show on West End
 Go to Paris 
 Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
 Go to Disneyland in their Christmas season again
 Go to Disney World
 Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
 Go to the Harry Potter Studios in London
 Live in a different country for at least 3 months
 Learn to dive
 Go Paddleboarding
 Own all the Disney Classics
 Go to the top of the Empire State Building
 Re-read all the Harry Potter books
 Go to Vegas
 Scuba dive
 Learn to surf
 Ride a motorbike
 Go to work at a Summer Camp
 White water rapids
 Spend New Year in Times Square
 Spend New Year's in Sydney, Australia
 See the Northern Lights
 Go on a cruise
 Do the Colour Run
 Travel First Class- train or plane

I will keep adding to this as more ideas come to me. But what a bloody amazing life if I manage to tick off all of these!!

Friday 13 June 2014

World Cup 2014

I wasn't going to watch the World Cup.. I had no interest in Football.. that is until last night. Now this is a very superficial reason to watch it, but who am I to deny my eyes the privilege of seeing the most beautiful man I think I have ever seen.

You see, I went to watch the Opening Ceremony as I love a bit of Pitbull, however I missed that and thanks to clapping my eyes upon one extremely gorgeous Brazilian ended up watching the entire game. And I have no regrets.

The man in question:

Neymar da Silva Santos Jr.

Ooooof. I can't stop looking at him.

I think I'm in love. (Sorry Matt!)

(I am one of those people who go all out obsessive on someone, I've been watching Youtube videos of him and I like him even more!)

Go Brazil!! 

Tuesday 3 June 2014

A Tick Off The Bucket List

On Sunday I did the Colour Run in London! I've been wanting to do it for absolutely ages, luckily the boyfriend lives down there and was more than happy to run with me! Although he actually enjoys running and can run a whooole load faster than I can ha.. I had to keep reminding him to slow down to jog with me ;)

I had so much fun, running through the 'colour zones' were surreal, suddenly being surrounded by pink, blue, yellow or orange powder on the floor, in the air.. in your face.. great fun! I would definitely definitely recommend anyone to do it, and if you don't want to run it- fine, the majority of people in our 'wave' seemed to want to walk it (although this was a liittle annoying when you wanted to run and couldn't get round them but hey! It's a fun run!)

Also the looks from people on the tube and walk home- hilarious!

Hope you all had a great weekend!