Tuesday 3 June 2014

A Tick Off The Bucket List

On Sunday I did the Colour Run in London! I've been wanting to do it for absolutely ages, luckily the boyfriend lives down there and was more than happy to run with me! Although he actually enjoys running and can run a whooole load faster than I can ha.. I had to keep reminding him to slow down to jog with me ;)

I had so much fun, running through the 'colour zones' were surreal, suddenly being surrounded by pink, blue, yellow or orange powder on the floor, in the air.. in your face.. great fun! I would definitely definitely recommend anyone to do it, and if you don't want to run it- fine, the majority of people in our 'wave' seemed to want to walk it (although this was a liittle annoying when you wanted to run and couldn't get round them but hey! It's a fun run!)

Also the looks from people on the tube and walk home- hilarious!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

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