Monday 11 November 2013

Rest In Peace Molly Mittens

A sad post today, our gorgeous pussycat Molly Mittens had to be put to sleep on Friday after she fought and fought to overcome a horrendous fox bite.

We took her to the vets last Monday morning as we noticed her looking very uncomfortable on Sunday night. Originally the vet said she had a really bad urine infection, but once she went through a few more tests and an operation we found out that her bowel was punctured and she had an abscess near her rectum, from an apparent fox bite that couldn't have been in a worse place.

They did all they could, fixed up her bowel again and she was getting better by Wednesday but unfortunately on Thursday she went downhill and so we went to visit her where she seemed to perk up a little bit in the hour we were there. But she looked so sad and the vet basically said we need to make a decision in the next 24 hours, he, my mum and myself wanted to give her a bit more of a chance so we were giving it till Friday afternoon, but sadly I got the text from my mum on Friday morning as I was on my way to London saying that it was all over, she'd gone even more downhill over night and it wasn't fair to keep putting her through it.

Needless to say we are devastated, she was 9 years old and in the last year or so had really become a more friendly cat, wanting to sit on our knees and letting us stroke her a lot more than she used to.

I've just come back from London today and my mum has just gone away, and the house just seems so quiet and empty.

Rest in peace baby girl, I will miss you so much <3

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