Wednesday 20 November 2013

I need a hobby.

Like.. a hobby, hobby.

I don't know what kind to go for? I know that sounds silly, but I like reading and that's about the extent of my 'extra-curricular' activities (unless you count the internet which really just opens up a whole new can of worms.. youtube, blogs, facebook etc etc).

But I don't count that as a hobby, and I really really want to have a 'proper' one. One when a job interviewer asks me 'so what do you do in your spare time' I don't just answer 'er.. I go on the internet all day every day' -_-

I don't know whether it's because I feel like I'll miss out on something, or that there's just so much stuff on the internet that I get lost reading or watching things and before I know it there's another day over!


I've had a little look on Wikipedia at their list of hobbies and have picked a few out- mostly that I know I will like and want to do. My aim is in the weeks leading up to the New Year I am going to give the ones I've picked a really good go and see if any of them take my fancy and become something I really enjoy.

1. Blogging (Obviously, but again I want to make a conscious effort to keep going with this!) I also need to actually do things in my life that make me have something to blog about!

2. Colouring .. I know I know but it's so therapeutic, I have tons of colouring pencils, I just need the book!

3. Cooking, I want to try and make one new recipe a week!

4. Foreign Language Learning- tomorrow I'm going to head down to my local library and get out at least 4 books or DVD's to help me learn Spanish. It's a language I have always wanted to know.

5. Juggling- I can't juggle! I would love to learn.

6. Keep fit- I have so many fitness DVD's that are getting no use whatsoever. I aim to get back into the swing of things and make sure I do some sort of exercise (I have dance ones, zumba, pilates, cardio, toning etc etc) at least twice a week. More if I'm feeling it. Also a lot of the time my job gives me a great cardio and strength workout when I'm in the stockroom - but I am not letting that count as part of it.

7. Reading- I'm going to read 4 books before New Year!

8. Yoga- I am probably the least flexible person you will meet, but I've been reading a lot lately about 'self love' and relaxing and many books and websites suggest yoga.

9. Go for a walk, once a week I am going to get out of the house and go for a walk, whether it is along the seafront, the pier, the woods whatever. I live next to such a beautiful coastline and I never take advantage of it.

Might as well round it up to a big number eh? 

10. Take more photographs. I am not going to be the best photographer in the world, but I need to start using my camera (phone or regular) more often. I'm getting a new camera for Christmas so I can do this better after then, but I think I might try and upload at least four instagram photos a week, I love looking back on what I've done and I figure that's the easiest way to do it for now.

There we have it. 10 things before New Year that I am going to have a good old go at. Let's see what happens!

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